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Season 5 had started reruning so this means I will be putting up reviews.


I have decided to tally up the ZOOMers by the segments they do. P.S. Count the intros once, outros once, and ZOOMers with Cardbords twice. When the ZOOMer is there in the WhatZup, add it. Never add the guest. For ZOOM into Action, add all.

501-17 segments (18 if you count WhatZup)
Episode 501 started out with a game called Sound Charades. They knew animals, but not objects. Post to WhatZup. The kids again knew animals but not objects. Then the jokesfunnythingy happened. The first 2 are skit form and the other 3 is dry. Aline is the librarian, while Garrett walked into lalaland of Burger King. Post to ZOOMdo. Mike celebrated his birthday, and invited Estuardo and Shing Ying. This week's Fannee Doolees is MONEY. No she doesn't save or spend. Why do you think that is? Anyways, the second was hilarious. Kortney didn't notice that she checked out the phone book, and Aline the librarian found out. Well, the ZOOMsci was long. What Future City? Will Emily, Elizabeth, Brian, Brianna, and other kids win and go to the nationals in DC? We'll find out. On to the ZOOMsci song. Estuardo did act like the logo was going to hit him. You can just tell. Speaking of Estuardo, he was in the dry joke 1 with Shing Ying. Cows? Shing Ying's joke was funny, but to Estuardo, no way. He said the joke was 'utterly ridiculous'. Speaking of which, all the hogs (all but Essy) are in the Zingers. Is Caroline sure about making faces out of her name, or Aline's name, or Garrett's name? Anyways, post to dry joke 2. Shing Ying's joke was funny, and hey, Kortney gets it. Well, if you like lemons like Kaleigh, then drink lemonade. If you like lime like Garrett, then drink some limeade. Lemonade, limeade, any more ades? Anyways, let's ZOOM into Action in Pensacola, Florida. Hey, I live in Florida, but in Deltona. It's not a big city, but it's good. P.S. you'll never find it on the small maps of Florida, but on big ones, you can. Well, welcome to dry joke 3. Shing Ying is in the cattle-og while Caroline laughs her way, hey! Sorry, little Christmas humor there. Anyways, the playhouse is in Ubbi Dubbi and it is not listed in the playhouse section. But all the ladies are there and so is Mike. The computer of the week goes to...Kortney and her Zurvey commerZial. Here's something extra. Home on the range...PBSKids style. And then Garrett took over the ending. The next review is Episode 502.


Episode 502-15 segments

Episode 502 started with a game with water ballons. Mike did show off and of course. It's girls vs. guys, and they both tied. Anyways, post to WhatZup. Shing Ying brought people from Waterloo, Iowa. THEY'RE ALL FROM WATERLOO, IOWA. Anyways, the jokes were dry. Garrett brought the clock jokes. Good one. Then, on CafeZOOM, Caroline made Trifle, which is a treat from the UK. Then to Round 2 of the water balloon game. Mike, Estuardo, and Garrett showed off. Boys like to do that sometimes. Anyways, on to the Future Cities Competition. Emily, Brian, Brianna, Joe, Alex, Elizabeth, Chelsea, Patrick, and others finished Motumbo. Anyways, post to the jokes. Again, dry. Estuardo did laugh on this one...and so does Shing Ying. On to ZOOMdo. Kortney and Garrett did like a ZOOMsci, and it looked more a sci than a do. Anyways, post to the song. BORING! On to the jokes. Once again, dry. Estuardo told another clock joke...this time to Aline and it was on the 1st ZOOMerang of the season. Well, ZOOM into...Native Americans, enjoying the ZOOMteam? What? Well, on to Playhouse. It was funny. Mike was the cashier. Estuardo wants 10 cents worth of jellybeans. Mike went up, things fell and grabbed them, gave 10 cent jellybeans to Estuardo, then Estuardo leaves after giving Mike '10 cents' (and I though Estuardo WAS looking for a dime). Well, Caroline comes in with her dog, and the same thing happened, but when Shing Ying came, she needs 11 cents worth of Jellybeans. Well, anyways, enough 'bout that, the computer of the week goes to...Estuardo with his ZOOM into Action commerZial (as in ZOOM into Computer. lol.) Then the ending and then this is the extra. Estuardo wants poetry, recipes, and projects...all in library books, while Aline told him to get those in 2 ways. And since Estuardo can't walk, he fell. And then Shing Ying took over the ending. Next up...Episode 503.


Episode 503-14 Segments (15 if you count WhatZup)

Episode 503 started with Pizza Relay. Then on to WhatZup, then to Cafe ZOOM. I can't believe Aline and Caroline brought a dog. On to Fannee Doolee. I was what on the first, what on the second, and what on the third. Well, we're okay. On to ZOOMsci. Emily and her friends won. Great job, peoples, go to DC. Anyways, on to Caroline and Garrett's sketch. Nice jigsaw puzzle, Garrett. That will not help Caroline. Well, on to ZOOMsci. Caroline and Garrett survived. Aline and Estuardo did not (hey, Kortney gets to throw them). It was funny when Estuardo dropped down on his knees while saying, "NO". Well, on to ZOOM into Action. Nothing to say. Well, on to the funniest playhouse in history. Of course Estuardo was getting tired of it. But, well. he'll know. He just got confused. Game ended and the ZOOMers ate pizza, the main part of a person's life (if you're an Italian). Well, the computer of the week goes to...Shing Ying and her game commerZial. ZOOPS to Garrett and Caroline. Garrett likes to be funny and messes up everything. And then Kortney took over the ending. Next up...504.


Episode 504-13 segments (14 if you count the guest)

Episode 504 strted with a game called Oink! Shing Ying made all of the returning ZOOMers laugh, especially Garrett since he laughed before she even got to him. Kortney won on the first one. On to WhatZup with kids from St. Louis. Then on to the only joke of the episode. I told you Aline and Mike doesn't know who to act. Well, the ZOOMdo was listed under ZOOMsci on the official website. We have 2 dos listed under the scis. Well, they don't know where is where. Anyways, on to Round 2. This time, Caroline's the pig. She made Kortney laugh, and Mike didn't laugh, and Shing Ying didn't laugh, and Aline, Garrett, and Estuardo laughed. Post to the Ubbi Dubbi Rap. About the guest, Brianna cried happily. Wierd, but Season 3 did that two. I mean, it wasn't in Ubbi Dubbi, but it's worth it. On to Zmail. Mike cried. He was like, "We love you, Brandon." Right. He was fine after. And no, Shing Ying, I don't wanna know 1-10 in Chinese. Well, on to ZOOM into Action from (again) Pensacola, Florida. Like I said in the Episode 501 review, I live in Deltona, which was in Florida. Well, on to the Playhouse. Mike and Caroline doesn't understand Ubbi Dubbi. Actually this is the only time they don't understand Ubbi Dubbi. Garrett the policeman talks in Ubbi Dubbi, and Estuardo, who's been jogging all morning, talks in Ubbi Dubbi, too. When they spot Aline, she can speak English and Ubbi Dubbi. But Mike and Caroline didn't realized that the Museum of Ubbi Dubbi Moments is behind them. And then Garrett and his Kitchen Chemistry CommerZial was the coumputer of the week. And then the ending, and then Round 3. Garrett made everyone laugh, but he never got to Estuardo, so that made Estuardo win. Okay, so Garrett took over the ending again. Just like 501. Next up, Episode 505.


Number of times The ZOOMers appear for the Season so far.

1. Shing Ying appeared 50 times
2. Caroline and Garrett appeared 49 times each
4. Aline appeared 48 times
5. Estuardo, Mike, and Kortney appeared 45 times each

Here are the results for Episode 501.

1. Shing Ying-14
2. Aline, Garrett, and Kortney-13 each
5. Caroline-12
6. Mike-11
7. Estuardo-10

Here are the results for Episode 502.
1. Estuardo and Shing Ying-13 times each
3. Caroline, Aline, Garrett, Mike, and Kortney-10 times each.

Here are the results for Episode 503.
1. Caroline-14 times
2. Garrett-13 times
3. Aline, Kortney, and Shing Ying-12 times each
6. Estuardo-11 times
7. Mike-10 times

Here are the results for Episode 504.
1. Mike-14 times
2. Caroline, Aline, and Garrett-13 times each
5. Estuardo and Shing Ying-11 times each
7. Kortney-10 times

Here are the results for Episode 505.

Those are my reviews